Thursday, July 25, 2013

Rate Control Protocol (RCP)

Rate Control Protocol (RCP) is a congestion control mechanism which focuses on minimizing the flow-completion time.

RCP's patch for ns-2 is available on the above link for ns-2.28 and ns-2.30 versions. Since installation procedure of these ns-2 versions on present Linux flavors hinders several researchers, I developed a RCP patch for ns-2.35 which is the latest version.

Follow the steps given below to apply RCP's patch to ns-2.35:

1. Download ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz

2. Download rcp-ns2-35.patch

3. Unzip ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz. You will get a folder named ns-allinone-2.35

4. Paste the downloaded RCP patch in the above mentioned folder.

5. Give the following command:

patch -p1 < rcp-ns2-35.patch

6. Go in ns-allinone-2.35 via terminal and give the following command (It is always recommended to be in root mode while giving the below command):


If you already have an installed copy of ns-allinone-2.35, then follow the steps given below to apply the RCP patch:

1. Paste the downloaded RCP patch in ns-allinone-2.35 directory.

2. Give the following command:

patch -p1 < rcp-ns2-35.patch

3. Go in ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35 directory and give the following commands:

make clean
make install

You are done with it!

Sample TCL Scripts:
Use the sample TCL Scripts provided on the official website of RCP. Following is the link:

rcp-ns-2.30.tar.gz must be downloaded from the above link. It contains a folder named "example-tcl-files" which contains the sample TCL Scripts.

A Note on the installation of ns-allinone-2.35:
You may or may not get installation errors depending on which version of gcc is used in your OS. With Ubuntu 10.04 (gcc 4.4.3), the installation procedure did not give any error. However, with later versions of Ubuntu there are chances that you may get a few errors. If you do not find a solution for those errors, report it in the Comments section.

Hope it helps.

Mobigel Research Library

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Online Activity Matching users Wireless Sensor Network

Mobigel Research Library comes a very small tip on ‪#‎vi‬ editor or‪#‎vim‬ editor on ‪#‎Linux‬ . 

You all are using vim since your early days of exploration with Linux, and no doubt its a wonderful text editor. And I seriously thought couple of times, whether to post this post or not to post this post.

Now consider this:

You had opened a very important file in Linux using vim editor and had done couple of changes and now you want to revert back to original state of the file. PS: considering that you hadn't saved your changes using ESC+w command. 

You can achieve this by pressing ESC+u multiple times and it will work. But you know, you can also use ESC+e! or ESC+edit! to undo all the changes since you had opened the file, before saving, in just one command.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

For All Master Engineering Students for Dissertation Research Topic
Controlled Delay (CoDel) is a newly proposed AQM mechanism developed by Kathleen Nichols and Van Jacobson. CoDel is parameterless and controls the delay, while insensitive to round-trip delays, link rates, and traffic loads. CoDel's patch is originally designed for ns-2.35.

This patch is a slight modification of the original patch and is designed for ns-2.31, mainly to be used along with TCP Evaluation Suite, which is available for ns-2.31 only. However, you can also use it without the TCP Evaluation Suite. 

TCP Evaluation Suite is a standard tool used for the analysis of newly proposed TCP Variants, especially High-Speed TCP Variants. The simulation code of TCP Evaluation Suite is based on original Linux TCP Code. 

CoDel's ns-2.31 patch is designed mainly to assist the community to analyze the interaction of CoDel with existing TCP Variants while using TCP Evaluation Suite.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

NS - 2 Simulator

Network Simulator - 2 (NS-2) is a discrete event and packet level simulator developed at UC Berkeley to analyze the performance of wired and wireless networks.